Monday, January 28, 2013

CNG Cars And Their Benefits

When it comes down to finding a car that will be worth what you pay for, the car that meets this criteria is a CNG car. CNG cars are quite amazing things as they run off of the cheap fuel natural gas. Did you know that the average price of natural gas is less than a dollar a gallon? That's right, with this fuel source, your car will pay for itself in an average of 5 years of operation. That is unheard of when it comes to other types of vehicles. If you want to really save some hard earned cash, you can't go wrong with one of these vehicles.

These types of automobiles were made all the way up until 2004. At this time, the new flex fuel cars came out and so the government lifted its restriction which forced automakers to make these kinds of vehicles. Honda still makes a CNG vehicle, but if you want something other than a Honda, you will have to have a car be converted to this fuel type through a conversion kit. Conversion kits really don't cost that much, its just making sure that you have a professional be the one that actually installs it instead of trying to do it yourself. Having a professional mechanic will make your life much easier as you will be able to ensure that the kit was installed correctly in order to protect your safety and the safety of the passengers inside.

As you can see, these types of cars are amazing at saving you money!

Corporate Social Responsibility, Yay Or Nay?

In the past several decades, corporations have been forming in almost every area of the world. The corporations drastically affect the area around them, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. From this, the idea of corporate social responsibility arises. Corporate social responsibility can be defined as the commitment of a corporation to better the area in which it is located. As two every story, this one has two sides. Some people are for it and some against. Two reasons that have come up supporting corporate social responsibility are that it is good press, and that it gives its' employees a sense of pride. Two arguments against corporate social responsibility are that a corporation's job is to make a profit, and that people should take care of themselves. Now I will elaborate on these.

The idea that corporate social responsibility is good press is entirely true. If a corporation (especially a large, well-known one) does something that people other than employees benefit from, it makes them look good. By looking good, the corporation has a chance to get free advertising. If the good deed is covered by the media, the corporation does not have to pay a dime. So, you could almost consider the cost of the good deed as an advertising expense. An example of this is the large array of Christmas lights the Herr's chip factory puts up every year. Although this isn't a direct way of giving back, it gives the people in the area something magnificent to look at during the holiday season. At the same time, its gets peoples' attention which is what advertising is designed to do. The good press created by a strong sense of corporate social responsibility also has the potential to get new investors. Many wealthy people love investing in companies that are environmentally friendly or that give back to the people in some way.

The second supporting piece of information for corporate social responsibility is that it gives the corporation's employees a sense of pride. It would make me feel good knowing that the company I worked for helped out in the area I lived. This might motivate employees to work harder, which would make them more productive. In a sense, all of the hard work the employees put in generates the money used to benefit the surrounding area. I know people would really like the chance to say "Hey, I work for that company" when he or she over hears people talking about something good the corporation did.

Like I stated, there are always two sides to every story which means there are also reasons that people are against corporate social responsibility. One is that the corporation's responsibility is to the shareholders. This means that corporation's focus should be on making as much money as possible. So for a company to spend money by giving back to the community just seems wrong in that respect. Now, the fact that the publicity the company gets from giving back generates the sale to offset the cost is another topic in itself. I feel that it potentially could, but there's no way of knowing for sure. Many stockholders only invest to make money, so they would probably feel that the company should earn money and that is it.

Some people feel that idea of corporate social responsibility is wrong because people should take care of themselves. I suppose this is kind of like a "let nature runs its course" approach. People should learn to fend for themselves, and not be dependent on the help of others. If corporations (or people) help them, they will never be able to break away and survive on their own. For instance, say you see a stray cat wondering around your neighborhood. Well one day it's outside your house and you put a bowl of food on your step. You go inside and the cat eats your food. The next day, the same thing happens. Before you know it you are opening the door and the cat is there waiting for food. The cat has stopped looking for food elsewhere and depends solely on you for food. The same thing can be applied to people.

Corporate social responsibility is something all corporations think about. Some decide to support is because it is good press and it will give their employees a sense of pride which might raise their productivity. On the other hand, some are against it because they realize they have an obligation to their stockholders, and they feel that people should learn to take care of themselves. Personally, I am split between the two. I see very logical reasoning on both sides. If I had to choose one, I would choose to support corporate social responsibility. I think the increased cost of supporting the local area would increase revenue enough to offset itself.

What Does Hemp Clothing Have To Do With Climate Change?

You know trees as heroes when it comes to sequestering carbon and combating climate change, but could hemp clothing challenge that reputation? As trees grow, they inhale carbon dioxide gas and convert it into carbon-based fibers, which locks up this greenhouse gas for as long as the tree is alive and growing. That's carbon sequestration. And that's why forests are so important in the fight against climate change, and why there's such a strong movement to project forests around the world.

So why are we talking about trees and clothing in a discussion of hemp clothing? Because when it comes to carbon sequestration, hemp may be just as effective, if not more. Recent scientific discoveries point to the fact that organically-grown agricultural crops such as hemp remove carbon from the atmosphere through biological carbon sequestration using the process described above.

Crops that are grown using nitrogen-based fertilizers are less effective at fighting climate change. That's because nitrogen-based fertilizers are made using fossil fuels and require energy to produce. Organic crops, on the other hand, make use of cover crops (that fix nitrogen in the soil for natural nutrient-boost) and manure, both of which further fix carbon in the soil.

Hemp is also an ideal crop for carbon sequestration because it grows incredibly fast, especially when you compare their growth to trees. Hemp plants can also produce an enormous amount of plant matter in a small amount of space, which means more sequestered carbon. Hemp is generally planted in a density of up to 300 plants per square meter, and can still be grown organically. This means it can produce between three and eight dry tons of fiber per acre.

In fact, one acre of hemp will produce twice as much fiber as an acre of cotton, and almost four times as much in the same space as trees. And since hemp plants reach maturity much sooner than trees - within one year - they can be harvested and new plants cultivated so that the cycle continues indefinitely.

Hemp is being recognized as having the potential to even reduce carbon emissions in the building industry. Hemcrete, a building material used for green buildings, is being touted as a much better alternative to tree-based building materials in terms of carbon sequestration.

So when looking for organic clothing, check out your hemp clothing options. You'll find that your purchase could go a long way to shrinking your carbon footprint!

Meditation and Relaxation - Breathing from the Diaphragm

Breathing from the diaphragm (the long band of muscle that lies beneath your lungs) allows for the fullest expansion possible of your ribcage. This means that more air can get into your lungs and into your bloodstream.

Singers use diaphragm breathing to be able to perform their songs with greater power and control, and learning the technique of diaphragm breathing will also improve your chances of relaxing into deep sleep.

This is a good exercise to start with, and can easily be used as a "cleansing" warm-up before doing any other form of exercise.

1. Ideally, lie on your back on a flat surface, or in bed, with your arms at your sides. If lying down isn't possible then try to find a reclining position so that the ribcage is slightly extended.

2. As you breathe in through your nose, imagine that your abdomen and chest contain an empty vessel, like a wine carafe. The opening of the carafe is your nose or mouth and the neck of the carafe is your own neck. Where the neck of the carafe opens into the basin, picture this area as your lungs and then picture the main basin of the carafe as your abdomen.

3. Breathe in and feel the air pouring into your lungs. You should slowly expand your belly first, as if the air is literally filling up your body like wine would fill the carafe. Next fill and expand your upper abdomen, then your chest, throat and mouth. You can place your hand on your upper abdomen if you need help breathing this way. Your hand should rise as you breathe in.

4. When your "vessel" is full, begin to "pour" the air out through your mouth. This time, the air will empty in the opposite direction. First from your mouth, then your throat, chest and finally your stomach. Slightly contract your stomach muscles as if you're trying to squeeze the last "drops" out.

5. Relax and breathe in again through your nose.

6. Repeat this process at least half a dozen times. Each time, try to pull in and pour out slightly more air.

If you prefer, you can imagine your stomach as a balloon - but it is important to keep the "order" in which the air fills your body. This exercise is teaching you not just to breathe deeply, but to notice and control your breathing. These skills form an important part of later meditation practices.

To continue practicing these skills, try this exercise. It may seem strange, but it will help you to expand your lung capacity and increase your sense of control over your breathing.

1. Get into a comfortable position, either lying down or sitting. Close your eyes and place the little finger of each hand on each side of your nose. Relax your other fingers against your cheeks or in a loose fist against your chin.

2. Use the left little finger to close the left nostril. Breathe in deeply through the right nostril only.

3. Now close the right nostril with the right little finger and release the left nostril. Exhale strongly through the left nostril.

4. Without moving your hands at all, breathe back in through the left nostril. Then close your left nostril and exhale through your right nostril only.

5. Repeat with each nostril as the "inhaling" nostril at least 3 times.

If you find it difficult to use both hands, try using the thumb and forefinger of one hand.

Because you are limiting the "pathways" for air to enter your lungs, you are making the lungs work harder to inhale and exhale. Over time, just as when you exercise a muscle, your lungs will get stronger and their capacity will increase, enabling you to breathe more deeply.

This exercise will get you some interesting looks if you try it in public, so just be forewarned!

Choosing an Insect Repellent

For most people, insect bites are a minor annoyance. The area may swell and itch for a while and then return to normal later.

This mild reaction is caused by the venom the insect carries and it normally occurs with the bite of a mosquito, fly, cockroach or bedbug. In this case, vinegar, diluted ammonia or phenolated calamine lotion will relieve itching and burning. Other insect bites can also be cleaned with alcohol, povidone-iodine or plain soap and water.

These simple measures, however, cannot protect people from the many diseases insects bring, some of which are life-threatening. If that's your concern, it may be a good idea to buy an insect repellent.

Thiamin or vitamin B1 has long been recommended for this purpose. Isolated reports say that large amounts of thiamin taken by mouth make perspiration offensive to insects, driving them away. To get this effect, dermatologists say you should take 150 milligrams of thiamin three to four times a day.

Good as it sounds, that formula doesn't work. The US Food and Drug Administration said that as early as 1960, thiamin was found to be ineffective as an insect repellent. In that experiment, volunteers took as much as 200 milligrams of thiamin three times a day and exposed their forearms to hungry female mosquitoes. The result: everyone got bitten in spite of the thiamin they took.

In choosing an insect repellent, look for a product with N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide or deet for short. This chemical was first synthesized in the 1950s and remains the most effective repellent against a wide variety of crawling and flying pests. Concentrations of up to 95 percent were used by American troops during the Vietnam War and many manufactures have incorporated deet in their insect repellents since 1961.

Deet's performance depends on how much is used. A product that contains more deet is more effective and can ward off mosquitoes for over six hours and stable flies for over 4 1/2 hours. Tests made by Consumer Reports also showed that deet performed well against two of the most common and troublesome species of mosquitoes - the Aedes aegypti which causes dengue or H-fever, and Culux pipiens which causes filariasis.

But that protection comes with a price. Since deet is absorbed in the bloodstream, higher concentrations of this chemical can cause serious side effects.

"Among the most dramatic instances: six girls under age nine developed toxic encephalopathy, a swelling of the brain that can cause disorientation, convulsions and death. Three of the girls died. Deet repellents had been applied copiously to most of the girls for weeks or months, and one girl had metabolic disease that apparently made deet's effects worse. But another victim had been wearing insect repellent for just two days. More recent reports have noted brief seizures in five males - four boys under age eight and one adult - after they used deet repellent of varying concentrations, typically only once or twice daily," according to Consumers Reports. (Next: The trouble with deet.)

Think Like a Billionaire, Become a Billionaire - Book Review

The subject of money, in some circles, is a subject that most pastors prefer not discussing with their parishioners. I think that this is a mistake. This subject ought to be discussed from time to time. Not to promote greed or worldliness, but to encourage stewardship in the life of the believer.

Christ spoke about money more than any other subject during his earthly ministry. More than Love, evil, sacrifice, Etc. So why is it that we equate rich with evil and poverty with piety? This book is one that offers some biblical views of how we are to think about money and how we are to use money. While promoting a balance view in ones approach towards money, the author is not requiring its readers to be worldly in order to achieve financial freedom and increase net worth. Quite the contrary, the author points out that we must put on the mind of Christ that we may have a godly approach towards money.

The aim of the author, I believe, is not that the reader desire to become a billionaire. However, I think the aim here is to change one's thinking in money matters, persistence, faith, godly stewardship of one's resources, work ethic, and time management with a God-ward view. And in doing these things, you will reap, in this process of this change, the reward of becoming a financially stable individual that glorifies God in their stewardship of money.

I also thought the workbook in the rear of the book offers some helpful tools on:

Personal Vision Budgeting Personal accountability Mind changing biblical references Discipline Tips on how to achieve Good Credit The rewards & building a road map to savings Time management And more

My conclusion is that this book is a good read for the lay person, including, both single and married persons, teens, church leaders, non-profit administrators, executives, and corporate leaders.

For reviews on other books visit Christian Business Ethics - Book Reviews

Understanding Your HVAC System

HVAC is an acronym for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It's main purpose is to heat air in the winter to warm our homes and to create cold air to keep our homes cool and comfortable in the summer. These systems take the air from outside, cool or heat that air, and send it through our home. Because of this, an HVAC system regularly ventilates your home and even filters the air before it comes in.

Let's start with the air conditioning part of your HVAC system. The AC system is split into two areas. The "cool side" is found indoors (typically in the attic or basement) and contains the expansion valve and cooling coils. The air handler uses a fan to distribute warm air over the chilled coils and send the cooled air into your home. The "hot side" is the condensing unit that is found outside of your home. The condenser takes any air that is not cooled and releases it to the outside. The expansion valve sits between the evaporator and condenser and monitors how much refrigerant is going into the evaporator. Both the condenser and the expansion valve (aka. the "cool side") are found inside your home such as in the attic or basement typically right by the furnace. The compressor is what pressurizes the refrigerant gas back into a liquid. The process of the refrigerant changing back and forth from a liquid to a gas is what absorbs heat and humidity from the warm air. All of this is conveniently controlled by your thermostat in your house.

Now that you understand the main components and their locations, let's take a closer look at the cooling process. The cooling process is a cycle and we'll start at the outdoor unit which is called the compressor. The compressor pressurizes the freon liquid into a gas. The gas moves through the coils in the outdoor unit and loses heat. As the gas cools it begins to condense back into a hot liquid that then flows into the copper tubing of the indoor unit. As the hot, liquid freon is allowed to expand it turns back into a cold gas. This cool gas flowing through the coils cools the air passing over them. This cold air is what you feel coming out of the vents from your ductwork. This process also removes access moisture from the air since cool air does not hold moisture the way warm air can. The moisture actually condenses on coils and drips into a drain. The freon liquid that becomes warm again then is cycled back to the outside condenser to begin the cycle again. The heating system works the same way only the concept is reversed.

Having an overall understanding of your HVAC system will help you to understand the importance of maintenance and the reasoning behind any repairs you may encounter.

Quotes For Insurance - Fast And Easy

No matter what type of insurance you are looking to buy, whether it be car, household, business or health insurance getting quotes for insurance is a task that can be done very easily online. With great discounts and rates to be found online, you can now have the peace of mind you need without having to break the bank. When looking to buy insurance you are looking protect your valuable possessions or your person. Insurance is one of those necessary parts of life, if you are to be at peace in the society in which we live. Quotes for insurance can be sort for any type of insurance you need online, at fast speeds with the best deals.

Before the days of the internet, getting an insurance quote could only be done by going from place to place, and the process was a much longer one. Usually insurance could only be obtained from cooperative mutual associations. But these day we can get insurance from all over the place. The growth in the insurance industry could be the result of more and more people having a higher disposable income, and because of this many more people can afford to have more expensive assets and then also the money needed to have them insured. Insurance is one of those things which add to the cost of having the object yet it is needed to ensure that if anything were to happen you would have enough money to replace the object. When it comes to health insurance, we want to know that if we were to suddenly need hospitalization we could afford the best medical care available to us. With ever increasing hospital fees, this is an a very important insurance to have. Taking out life insurance is a way to look out for those we love, so that if we are no longer here, they would not be left with great financial burdens. All quotes for insurance can be gotten online at fast speeds.

Quotes for insurance can be sort in a few simple steps. First go to your search engine and type in your enquiry, whether that be ' quotes for car insurance' or 'quotes for health insurance'. Once you are given a list you can either get quotes from each company directly or you can go to one of the comparison sites and get multiple quotes at once. Multiple comparison sites are much easier as you only need to enter your details once, and it will give you a list of the best prices as well as links to the companies.

No matter which route you decide to go, getting quotes for insurance is a much easier than before and is a necessary part of protecting yourself, your family and your possessions. Quotes for insurance need to be looked at carefully and compared in order to get the best prices available to you. If you already have insurance and are looking to insure something else of value, or your own person why not check with you insurance company to see what quote they can give you. Many times because you are already insured with a company they will give you better rates if you take out another insurance policy with them. So if you already have insurance first get a quote from your insurance company before getting other quotes for insurance.

Superman - A History of the Game

The first ever Superman game to be developed was produced by Atari in 1979 and was called..."SUPERMAN". Though the game neither boasted of quality graphics nor engaging gameplay it still sold thousands of copies simply because fans couldn't resist the chance of playing as their favourite superhero. Most Superman games that released in the following years followed more or less the same storyline. In its arcade version it was only "Death and Life of Superman" developed by Sunsoft of America and Blizzard Entertainment which was truly worth playing.

However, the predictable and linear gameplay changed with the release of Superman: Shadow of Apokolips for PlayStation 2. Perhaps for the first time gamers got to play a Superman who had to use his brains as much as his brawn. It was a game that involved stealth and puzzles in addition to action. In Shadow of Apokolips, Superman took on several arch villains like Metallo, Livewire and Parasite. Superman: Man of Steel developed primarily for the Xbox platform too was another exciting game to play.

The most recent addition to the Sumerman videogames is Superman Returns, which was released in 2006. Developed by EA Tiburon and published by Electronic Arts the game can be played on a variety of Platforms like Xbox, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and Nintendo. Superman Returns is loosely on the plot of the movie by the same name. In the game Superman battles Mongul and other classic villains like Metallo. The players also get to play as Bizzrro in one of the several mini-games which are a part of the main game. Though the game was developed for Xbox360 and the next generation of handheld platforms, a PSP version couldn't be developed as the console didn't have enough juice to support the game.

In the game Superman has the liberty to explore a fictional city of more than 80 sq. mile and can also fly into the stratosphere. Though Superman complete array of superpowers are at the disposal of the players, he is required to first master powers because if used incorrectly, Superman might inadvertently end up harming the city or it inhabitants. In the game players are encouraged to be creative in the way they use Superman's powers. For example in order to save building that's burning Superman can either use freeze breath, which might mean he's not left with enough time to save the civilians or he can lift a fire truck at place it on top of a building for swifter extinguishing effects while he's left with enough time to rescue to all the inhabitants from the building. In this game no matter what happens to Superman, he can't be killed. But if in any mission the city of Metropolis suffers from too much damage, too many buildings are destroyed and or too many innocent lives lost; the game ends.

So if you are a Superman fan then you won't better game than this one to play as your favourite superhero.

Marketing Your Waterside Holiday Cottage

Capture the imagination.

You have a wonderful holiday home right by the water but can people get a feel of what it is like to be there?

The blissful feeling of being able to sit, relax and enjoy idyllic views, watch the wildlife and let the world float by! Try fishing, boating or canoeing all of which maybe on the doorstep. These are some of the wonderful benefits of having a cottage holiday by the water, but does your advertising and website really show what it is like to be there?

It is good quality pictures that really set the scene - good imagery will attract attention and capture potential custom and create new bookings. The key is to bring your holiday home to life through good photography and make it stand out proudly amongst the many others that are available. Do not let your wonderful holiday home be a best kept secret, ensure that potential holidaymakers can picture themselves there and let your pictures speak for themselves!

A bright sunny spring or summer day and a good quality digital camera will often do. To really show your property off at its best make sure that you can see both the water and property in the same photo and include views from the cottage itself. Ideally from across the water itself, this helps show where the property is in relation to the water and what kind of views they can expect. It would be best if the garden were in full spring bloom, but if not then use pot plants or hanging baskets to provide colour and decoration. You need not spend a fortune on professionally produced photography though many do make this investment.

The holidaymaker also wants to see what your cottage is like from both the outside and inside. These pictures alone are worth a thousand words and speak volumes about what you have to offer. All you now have to do is write a good quality property description leading with the property highlights ideally in a short and clear list of bullet points and support it up with a paragraph or two explaining the key facilities, local highlights & clear indication of how to enquire and the bookings will come flooding in!

A floor plan layout will also add significant value to your photos and help everyone decide who will sleep where and where the bathrooms are etc. Feel proud of what you have to offer and make sure your photos and images represent this by showing off the standards you have set and create an expectant feel of what it could be like to stay at your cottage.

If you have a log fire or wood burner, do photograph it looking warm and cosy. Put out some fresh flowers, a full bottle of wine and couple of glasses and maybe a colourful fruit bowl on the dining table. The bathrooms and bedrooms need to be made up nicely with fresh towels (if provided) and bedside table lights glowing gently. Any particular features or highlights that you may have do make sure they are on show i.e. Jacuzzi bath, walk in shower, flat screen wide screen TV, etc.

Now all you have to do is make sure they show on your website, your brochure and in all the directory sites that your cottage appears and look forward to the results.

For the Hobby Inventor and Innovator, Patent Law is Paramount - Book Review

Inventors, dreamers, innovators, and concept designers have a visually enhanced brain, and they can create and conceive of nearly anything. They are creative geniuses, and we are lucky to have them in our civilization and society. Unfortunately with this incredible gift, they often lack the incessant details, and inability to work within a structured environment of forms, law, and filing the patents they need to protect their genius.

Perhaps, this is why I purchased a book on how to design and create your own patents, and one that will give you enough information to do most of the legwork in advance, prior to taking your invention idea to a patent attorney. Once you and your patent attorney file a number of patents, after a while you get good at it, and you can start filing them yourself, paying the fees directly. I'd like to recommend a very good book to you on this topic, the book is;

"Nolo's Patterns for Beginners," by David Pressman and Richard Stim, 2001

The book covers statutory classes and issues with process patents and software, machines and tooling, manufacturing processes, and chemical compositions of matter. He goes into great detail about organic patents for plants and genetic engineering, utility patents, design patterns and concept patents. He explains the difference between the 17 year patterns and 20 year patents and how all that changed the game. He explains first use, prototyping, and conception of the idea.

He explains how immoral patents are not enforceable and that no patent issued can be used for illegal purposes. He also explains why whimsical patents are not accepted. He explains the advantages of the patent, who owns the patent when it's federally sponsored research, and the issues of the field of invention, the scope of the invention, and prior art discussion. He explains the patent drawings, cross-referencing, and alternative uses.

Indeed, I have this book in my personal library and I use it from time to time, and I would recommend that anyone who is a Hobby inventor or innovator to pick up a copy and put it in their personal library. I hope you will please consider this.

Latrell Sprewells Yacht

Latrell Sprewell is a man who thinks about putting foods on the table, and not keeping a yacht. He is 36 year of age and a former NBA star has defaulted on mortgage loan. Sprewell is best known for a slashing style and most especially when he was suspended for choking his coach. Three years ago a $21 Million contract offer was rejected thus made a complete turn around of the career of this athlete. He owned the Latrell Sprewell Yacht which is 70-foot. The Italian Azimut-Benetti a world leader in crafting built Sprewells boat in 2001. Sprewell owns a home in River Hills and has moored his yacht, had to have the yacht untied by a tugboat after running stuck near at Water Beach. He and the boat was in the news at other times while floating, with an occasion off Milwaukee in which broke a hand before the 2002-'03 seasons. The yacht named "Milwaukee's best was sold in an auction for $856,000.

William E. Callahan Jr. the U.S Magistrate judge armed with an order to federal marshal to seize the vessel in Manitowoc. Callahan the presiding judge in a court case filed by the New York Bank, which claims that, the yachts owner a company run by Sprewell has defaulted on a mortgage loan. The Firm has not made the monthly payment and has not maintained the necessary insurance of the Latrell Sprewell Yacht. They want the yacht sold to pay off the $1.3 million remaining loan. Sprewell has guaranteed personally the loan and the contact filed with the court shows. He might not be reach for comment on the reclamation.

In the midst of acrimonious discussion with the club, a reporter asked him if he would be interested to play out the final year of his offered contract, trying to win and become a free agent. Sprewell said that he is at risks. Why should to help them to win a title. He also said that he have a family to provide for. The four times all star played out the season and earning a $14.6 million, other than that he has not returned to the league. In court documents, Sprewell owed $295,138 in outstanding payments plus the interest as bank said. Sprewell failed to pay his mortgage of $2,593 per month. The Latrell Sprewell Yacht was originally worth $1.5 million. The bank hold the mortgage that it be seized to pay off the debt worth $1.3 million. The sale price is still owed by the bank about $500,000 and the court filings it plans to go after the rest.

Latrell Sprewell Yacht is an expensive and luxurious yacht that was owned by the NBA star was held by the bank as mortgage that Sprewell had to give up to pay the millions of debt. Thats why the bank decided to sell and auction the luxury yacht for thousand dollars only.

7 Simple and Essential Steps to Growing an Extremely Successful Solo-Business

Implementing these seven steps will make a huge difference in creating a full and fulfilling business. Here's what you need to do:

Step One: Get Clear on What Drives You

Most of us do not have a personal vision. We need to explore our vision at least to ensure, that it matches our idea of a desirable lifestyle. Creating a compelling vision means starts with being really honest with yourself and figuring out what lifestyle you desire. Adding the detail of your business comes next. Once you create your vision, test that to see if your vision is compelling enough by asking yourself "does it make me want to get out of bed in the morning?" If you settle for something safe that is not compelling you are less likely to take any action or have the persistence you need to succeed.

Step Two: Shift to a Growth Mindset

We often prioritize tasks that we find easy rather than those that may ask us to get out of our comfort zone; yet, produce better results. The first thing that entrepreneurs need to do is figure out which activities produce the most results. Do a scan of all the activities that bring you customers. In a growth phase you MUST be focused on two types of activities: client work and activities that bring-in more clients. Reorganize your schedule in a way that allows you to focus on one important thing at a time and keep working on priority items until they are done.

Step Three: Define your 'People' and How you Help them

Your potential clients need to see you as THE person who can solve their problems. To do so, you need to know who are your IDEAL clients and what are their commonalities. When you figure out your ideal client you need to then figure out HOW you help them. Do this by reflecting on which work you enjoyed the most with your best clients and what were the results that you provided them with from working with you. You need to your messaging to appeal to your ideal clients and their biggest challenges.

Step Four: Implement Simple Marketing Tactics

Developing alluring and compelling tactics that draw people to you and your product or services regularly and consistently will set you up for continuous growth. Choose at least 6 tactics in order to develop rapport with your target market. There are many inexpensive strategies that you can use very easily including ezines, blogs, social media, etc. Remember that marketing is a longer term relationship building strategy and will not have clients banging down your door right away. It does take some time for the seeds you have planted to start sprouting. Develop a presence in the marketplace so people will be aware of what you. When the time comes they will know where to find you.

Step Five: Systematize your most Valuable Worksteps

You must be prepared to create systems for the activities that are working for you and do them often! If you miss this, it will be hard to get ahead. The key to business success is to implement important activities consistently and regularly and systems will ensure you get this done. Monthly, weekly and daily planning will help you determine your commitments and priorities and how you can get them done. Operating your business smoothly and professionally will help you look and feel more confident in what you offer.

Step Six: Make Self-care a Top Priority

The biggest thing that holds us back from growing our business and playing big is the limiting beliefs that we carry around with us usually in the form of self-doubt. Support yourself to stay confident and ready to put yourself out there by finding a daily practice that quiets your negative voices and strengthens your belief in yourself. Really successful business owners know that they need to surround themselves with supportive people. High level mentors that have the experience to guide you through your challenges and your plans are essential. There are a number of ways to get this support: hire a coach, find mentors, or join a business group.

Step Seven: Create the Platform to Step-up even Bigger

If you want to see your business grow or you want to move into doing the premium work that other experts in your field are doing, you need to eliminate excuses that are holding you back from succeeding. You can do this by taking your actions seriously which includes implementing good ideas quickly before you have a chance to change your mind. You also need to be prepared to invest in your business and yourself. Shifting from a financial scarcity mindset to one of abundance - what you put into your business you will get out of it many times over.

Natural Hemorrhoids Cure

A natural hemorrhoids cure can often cure even the extreme hemorrhoids.

Natural hemorrhoids cures provide gradual relief from the pain caused by the hemorrhoids. If it works it will stop the bleeding and itching from the hemorrhoids.

Finding a good natural hemorrhoids cure is the most cost effective way for treating it. You have no more need to use dietary supplements for the rest of your life. They are often the root of the cause and cause constipation.

There are many different types of natural hemorrhoids cures. There are food therapy, water therapy and also reflexology. You can use a "Sitz Bath" that is designed to allow you to soak the hemorrhoids without having to take a real bath. The rectal area is soaked in hot water for 30 minutes a few times a day. This will help to reduce the symptoms and shrink the hemorrhoids that will eventually cure.

A doughnut shaped cushion could be another natural hemorrhoids cure you can use. You easily buy it at most medical supply stores and can be very useful if you suffer a lot from pain and have trouble sitting. This is not a cure but will help you survive the day while you cure it.

One of the easiest natural hemorrhoids cure is simply eating fresh fruits, vegetables and fibrous food (food therapy). This is a slow way to cure your hemorrhoids but it can work great on some people. It will also prevent you from getting hemorrhoids again after you are cured.

The problem with natural hemorrhoids cures is that the process is very time consuming and may not work on all people. The healing process can get delayed and there is a chance of the hemorrhoids getting worse. There is no 100 % guarantee that the hemorrhoids are cured from only using a natural hemorrhoids cure.

Content Management Systems - How Uk Companies Can Benefit

A content management system enables you to update your own website without having to return to the designer every time you want to change some details. For example it would allow you to add new products, change prices or update a news section at no further cost. The content management system would be integrated into your site by the designer and would be specifically tailored to your needs. This is extremely useful as it gives non-technical staff the ability to maintain website content through an error-proof interface that can be learned very quickly. The following are features that a content management system could typically include:

Updateable image or product gallery

Discussion forum

Event management system and calendar

Updateable news or product information.

Define the business objective of your content management system

A content management system can be a very cost effective way of keeping your website updated and fresh. However it is important that before implementing a system, you are clear about its business goals. This will help you to determine what your specific requirements are. Think about how your staff will use a content management system, as well as how the end user will benefit.

At Deckchair UK, we will help you to reach an informed decision about what your company's requirements are and the best and most cost effective way to achieve these goals. We specialise in designing bespoke content management systems to meet the individual needs and business goals of each client. To see examples of content management systems, see our portfolio page.

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